Matching pattern for messages


The Droonga Engine provides a tiny language to specify patterns of messages, called matching pattern. It is used to specify target messages of various operations, ex. plugins.


Simple matching

pattern = ["type", :equal, "search"]

This matches to messages like:

  "type": "search",

Matching for a deep target

pattern = ["body.success", :equal, true]

This matches to messages like:

  "type": "add.result",
  "body": {
    "success": true

Doesn’t match to:

  "type": "add.result",
  "body": {
    "success": false

Nested patterns

pattern = [
             ["type", :equal, "table_create"],
             ["body.success", :equal, true]

This matches to both:

  "type": "table_create",


  "type": "column_create",
  "body": {
    "success": true


There are two typeos of matching patterns: “basic pattern” and “nested pattern”.

Basic pattern


A basic pattern is described as an array including 2 or more elements, like following:

["type", :equal, "search"]

Target path

The target path is specified as a string, like:


The matching mechanism of the Droonga Engine interprets it as a dot-separated list of path components. A path component represents the property in the message with same name. So, the example above means the location:

  "body": {
    "success": <target>

Avialable operators

The operator is specified as a symbol.

Returns true, if the target value is equal to the given value. Otherwise false. For example,
["type", :equal, "search"]

The pattern above matches to a message like following:

  "type": "search",
Returns true, if the target value is in the given array of values. Otherwise false. For example,
["type", :in, ["search", "select"]]

The pattern above matches to a message like following:

  "type": "select",

But it doesn’t match to:

  "type": "find",
Returns true if the target array of values includes the given value. Otherwise false. In other words, this is the opposite of the :in operator. For example,
["body.tags", :include, "News"]

The pattern above matches to a message like following:

  "type": "my.notification",
  "body": {
    "tags": ["News", "Groonga", "Droonga", "Fluentd"]
Returns true if the target exists. Otherwise false. For example,
["body.comments", :exist, "News"]

The pattern above matches to a message like following:

  "type": "my.notification",
  "body": {
    "title": "Hello!",
    "comments": []

But it doesn’t match to:

  "type": "my.notification",
  "body": {
    "title": "Hello!"
Returns true if the target string value starts with the given string. Otherwise false. For example,
["body.path", :start_with, "/archive/"]

The pattern above matches to a message like following:

  "type": "my.notification",
  "body": {
    "path": "/archive/2014/02/28.html"

Nested pattern


A nested pattern is described as an array including 3 elements, like following:

  ["type", :equal, "table_create"],
  ["type", :equal, "column_create"]

Avialable operators

Returns true if both given patterns are evaluated as true. Otherwise false.
Returns true if one of given patterns (the first or the third element) is evaluated as true. Otherwise false.