

The add command adds a new record to the specified table. Column values of the existing record are updated by given values, if the table has a primary key and there is existing record with the specified key.

API types


Request endpoint
(Document Root)/droonga/add
Request methd
Request URL parameters
Request body
A hash of parameters.
Response body
A response message.


Not supported.


Request-Response. One response message is always returned per one request.
type of the request
body of the request
A hash of parameters.
type of the response

Parameter syntax

If the table has a primary key column:

  "table"  : "<Name of the table>",
  "key"    : "<The primary key of the record>",
  "values" : {
    "<Name of the column 1>" : <value 1>,
    "<Name of the column 2>" : <value 2>,

If the table has no primary key column:

  "table"  : "<Name of the table>",
  "values" : {
    "<Name of the column 1>" : <value 1>,
    "<Name of the column 2>" : <value 2>,


This section describes how to use the add command, via a typical usage with following two tables:

Person table (without primary key):

name job (referring the Job table)
Alice Arnold announcer
Alice Cooper musician

Job table (with primary key)

_key label
announcer announcer
musician musician

Adding a new record to a table without primary key

Specify only table and values, without key, if the table has no primary key.

  "type" : "add",
  "body" : {
    "table"  : "Person",
    "values" : {
      "name" : "Bob Dylan",
      "job"  : "musician"

=> {
     "type" : "add.result",
     "body" : true

The add command works recursively. If there is no existing record with the key in the referred table, then it is also automatically added silently so you’ll see no error response. For example this will add a new Person record with a new Job record named doctor.

  "type" : "add",
  "body" : {
    "table"  : "Person",
    "values" : {
      "name" : "Alice Miller",
      "job"  : "doctor"

=> {
     "type" : "add.result",
     "body" : true

By the command above, a new record will be automatically added to the Job table like;

_key label
announcer announcer
musician musician
doctor (blank)

Adding a new record to a table with primary key

Specify all parameters table, values and key, if the table has a primary key column.

  "type" : "add",
  "body" : {
    "table"  : "Job",
    "key"    : "writer",
    "values" : {
      "label" : "writer"

=> {
     "type" : "add.result",
     "body" : true

Updating column values of an existing record

This command works as “updating” operation, if the table has a primary key column and there is an existing record for the specified key.

  "type" : "add",
  "body" : {
    "table"  : "Job",
    "key"    : "doctor",
    "values" : {
      "label" : "doctor"

=> {
     "type" : "add.result",
     "body" : true

You cannot update column values of existing records, if the table has no primary key column. Then this command will always work as “adding” operation for the table.

Parameter details


The name of a table which a record is going to be added to.
A name string of an existing table.
Default value
Nothing. This is a required parameter.


The primary key for the record going to be added.
A primary key string.
Default value
Nothing. This is required if the table has a primary key column. Otherwise, this is ignored.

Existing column values will be updated, if there is an existing record for the key.

This parameter will be ignored if the table has no primary key column.


New values for columns of the record.
A hash. Keys of the hash are column names, values of the hash are new values for each column.
Default value

Value of unspecified columns will not be changed.


This returns a boolean value true like following as the response’s body, with 200 as its statusCode, if a record is successfully added or updated.


Error types

This command reports errors not only general errors but also followings.


Means you’ve forgotten to specify the table parameter. The status code is 400.


Means you’ve forgotten to specify the key parameter, for a table with the primary key column. The status code is 400.


Means you’ve specified an invalid value for a column. For example, a string for a geolocation column, a string for an integer column, etc. The status code is 400.


Means you’ve specified a table which is not existing in the specified dataset. The status code is 404.


Means you’ve specified any column which is not existing in the specified table. The status code is 404.