

The select command finds records from the specified table based on given conditions, and returns found records.

This is compatible to the select command of the Groonga.

API types


Request endpoint
(Document Root)/d/select
Request methd
Request URL parameters
Same to the list of parameters.
Request body
Response body
A response message.


Not supported.


Request-Response. One response message is always returned per one request.
type of the request
body of the request
A hash of parameters.
type of the response

Parameter syntax

  "table"            : "<Name of the table>",
  "match_columns"    : "<List of matching columns, separated by '||'>",
  "query"            : "<Simple search conditions>",
  "filter"           : "<Complex search conditions>",
  "scorer"           : "<An expression to be applied to matched records>",
  "sortby"           : "<List of sorting columns, separated by ','>",
  "output_columns"   : "<List of returned columns, separated by ','>",
  "offset"           : <Offset of paging>,
  "limit"            : <Number of records to be returned>,
  "drilldown"        : "<Column name to be drilldown-ed>",
  "drilldown_sortby" : "List of sorting columns for drilldown's result, separated by ','>",
  "drilldown_output_columns" :
                       "List of returned columns for drilldown's result, separated by ','>",
  "drilldown_offset" : <Offset of drilldown's paging>,
  "drilldown_limit"  : <Number of drilldown results to be returned>,
  "cache"            : "<Query cache option>",
                       <Threshold to escalate search methods>,
  "query_flags"      : "<Flags to customize query parameters>",
  "query_expander"   : "<Arguments to expanding queries>"

Parameter details

All parameters except table are optional.

On the version 1.0.8, only following parameters are available. Others are simply ignored because they are not implemented.

All parameters are compatible to parameters for select command of the Groonga. See the linked document for more details.


This returns an array including search results as the response’s body.

    <Groonga's status code>,
    <Start time>,
    <Elapsed time>
  <List of columns>

The structure of the returned array is compatible to the returned value of the Groonga’s select command. See the linked document for more details.

This command always returns a response with 200 as its statusCode, because this is a Groonga compatible command and errors of this command must be handled in the way same to Groonga’s one.

Response body’s details:

Status code
An integer which means the operation’s result. Possible values are:
  • 0 (Droonga::GroongaHandler::Status::SUCCESS) : Successfully processed.
  • -22 (Droonga::GroongaHandler::Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT) : There is any invalid argument.
Start time
An UNIX time which the operation was started on.
Elapsed time
A decimal of seconds meaning the elapsed time for the operation.