Droonga チュートリアル: 低レイヤのコマンドの基本的な使い方


Droonga の低レイヤのコマンドを用いて、Droonga を使った検索システムを自分で構築できるようになる。



Droonga とは

分散データ処理エンジンです。 “distributed-groonga” に由来します。

Droonga は複数のコンポーネントから構成されています。ユーザは、これらのパッケージを組み合わせて利用することで、全文検索をはじめとするスケーラブルな分散データ処理システムを構築することができます。

Droonga を構成するコンポーネント

Droonga Engine

Droonga Engine は Droonga における分散データ処理の要となるコンポーネントです。リクエストに基いて実際のデータ処理を行います。

このコンポーネントはdroonga-engineという名前で開発およびリリースされています。 通信に使用するプロトコルはFluentdと互換性があります。

droonga-engine は検索エンジンとして、オープンソースのカラムストア機能付き全文検索エンジン Groonga を使用しています。

Protocol Adapter

Protocol Adapter は、Droonga を様々なプロトコルで利用できるようにするためのコンポーネントです。

Droonga Engine自体は通信プロトコルとしてfluentdプロトコルにのみ対応しています。 その代わりに、Protocol AdapterがDroonga Engineとクライアントの間に立って、fluentdプロトコルと他の一般的なプロトコル(HTTP、Socket.IOなど)とを翻訳することになります。

現在の所、HTTP用の実装として、Node.js用モジュールパッケージのdroonga-http-serverが存在しています。 言い直すと、droonga-http-serverはDroonga Protocol Adapterの一実装で、言わば「Droonga HTTP Protocol Adapter」であるという事です。



+-------------+              +------------------+             +----------------+
| Web Browser |  <-------->  | Protocol Adapter |  <------->  | Droonga Engine |
+-------------+   HTTP       +------------------+   Fluent    +----------------+
                             w/droonga-http        protocol   w/droonga-engine


ユーザは Protocol Adapter に、Web ブラウザなどを用いて接続します。Protocol Adapter は Droonga Engine へリクエストを送信します。実際の検索処理は Droonga Engine が行います。検索結果は、Droonga Engine から Protocol Adapter に渡され、最終的にユーザに返ります。



まずコンピュータを調達しましょう。このチュートリアルでは、既存のコンピュータにDroongaによる検索システムを構築する手順を解説します。 以降の説明は基本的に、DigitalOceanUbuntu 15.10 x64CentOS 6.5 x64、 または CentOS 7 x64 の仮想マシンのセットアップを完了し、コンソールにアクセスできる状態になった後を前提として進めます。


ホストが だと仮定します。

Droonga Engineをインストールする

Droonga Engine は、データベースを保持し、実際の検索を担当する部分です。 このセクションでは、 droonga-engine をインストールし、検索対象となるデータを準備します。



# curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/droonga/droonga-engine/master/install.sh | \
Installing droonga-engine from RubyGems...
Preparing the user...
Setting up the configuration directory...
This node is configured with a hostname XXXXXXXX.

Registering droonga-engine as a service...
Successfully installed droonga-engine.



$ cd ~droonga-engine/droonga

では、以下の内容で設定ファイル catalog.json を上書きしましょう:


  "version": 2,
  "effectiveDate": "2013-09-01T00:00:00Z",
  "datasets": {
    "Default": {
      "nWorkers": 4,
      "plugins": ["groonga", "crud", "search", "dump", "system"],
      "schema": {
        "Store": {
          "type": "Hash",
          "keyType": "ShortText",
          "columns": {
            "location": {
              "type": "Scalar",
              "valueType": "WGS84GeoPoint"
        "Location": {
          "type": "PatriciaTrie",
          "keyType": "WGS84GeoPoint",
          "columns": {
            "store": {
              "type": "Index",
              "valueType": "Store",
              "indexOptions": {
                "sources": ["location"]
        "Term": {
          "type": "PatriciaTrie",
          "keyType": "ShortText",
          "normalizer": "NormalizerAuto",
          "tokenizer": "TokenBigram",
          "columns": {
            "stores__key": {
              "type": "Index",
              "valueType": "Store",
              "indexOptions": {
                "position": true,
                "sources": ["_key"]
      "replicas": [
          "dimension": "_key",
          "slicer": "hash",
          "slices": [
              "volume": {
                "address": ""
              "volume": {
                "address": ""
              "volume": {
                "address": ""
          "dimension": "_key",
          "slicer": "hash",
          "slices": [
              "volume": {
                "address": ""
              "volume": {
                "address": ""
              "volume": {
                "address": ""


これらの6つの、"address"の情報を持つ最小単位のボリュームは、内部的にシングル・ボリュームと呼ばれます。 "address"の情報は、対応する物理的なストレージであるGroongaのデータベースの位置を示していて、それらのデータベースはdroonga-engineによって自動的に作成されます。

catalog.json の詳細については catalog.json を参照してください。



# systemctl start droonga-engine


# systemctl stop droonga-engine


# systemctl start droonga-engine


Dronga Engine が起動したので、データを投入しましょう。 店舗のデータ stores.jsons を用意します。


  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "1st Avenue & 75th St. - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.770262,-73.954798"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "76th & Second - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.771056,-73.956757"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "2nd Ave. & 9th Street - New York NY",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.729445,-73.987471"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "15th & Third - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.733946,-73.9867"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "41st and Broadway - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.755111,-73.986225"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "84th & Third Ave - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.777485,-73.954979"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "150 E. 42nd Street - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.750784,-73.975582"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "West 43rd and Broadway - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.756197,-73.985624"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "Macy's 35th Street Balcony - New York NY",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.750703,-73.989787"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "Macy's 6th Floor - Herald Square - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.750703,-73.989787"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "Herald Square- Macy's - New York NY",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.750703,-73.989787"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "Macy's 5th Floor - Herald Square - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.750703,-73.989787"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "80th & York - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.772204,-73.949862"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "Columbus @ 67th - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.774009,-73.981472"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "45th & Broadway - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.75766,-73.985719"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "Marriott Marquis - Lobby - New York NY",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.759123,-73.984927"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "Second @ 81st - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.77466,-73.954447"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "52nd & Seventh - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.761829,-73.981141"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "1585 Broadway (47th) - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.759806,-73.985066"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "85th & First - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.776101,-73.949971"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "92nd & 3rd - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.782606,-73.951235"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "165 Broadway - 1 Liberty - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.709727,-74.011395"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "1656 Broadway - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.762434,-73.983364"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "54th & Broadway - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.764275,-73.982361"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "Limited Brands-NYC - New York NY",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.765219,-73.982025"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "19th & 8th - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.743218,-74.000605"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "60th & Broadway-II - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.769196,-73.982576"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "63rd & Broadway - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.771376,-73.982709"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "195 Broadway - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.710703,-74.009485"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "2 Broadway - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.704538,-74.01324"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "2 Columbus Ave. - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.769262,-73.984764"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "NY Plaza - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.702802,-74.012784"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "36th and Madison - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.748917,-73.982683"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "125th St. btwn Adam Clayton & FDB - New York NY",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.808952,-73.948229"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "70th & Broadway - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.777463,-73.982237"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "2138 Broadway - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.781078,-73.981167"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "118th & Frederick Douglas Blvd. - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.806176,-73.954109"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "42nd & Second - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.750069,-73.973393"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "Broadway @ 81st - New York NY  (W)",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.784972,-73.978987"
  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "add",
  "body": {
    "table": "Store",
    "key": "Fashion Inst of Technology - New York NY",
    "values": {
      "location": "40.746948,-73.994557"

もう一つターミナルを開いて、jsonをDroonga engineに送信しましょう。


$ droonga-request stores.jsons
Elapsed time: 0.01101195
    "inReplyTo": "1393562553.8918273",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "type": "add.result",
    "body": true
Elapsed time: 0.004817463
    "inReplyTo": "1393562554.2447524",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "type": "add.result",
    "body": true

Droonga engineを用いてスターバックスの店舗データベースを検索する準備ができました。




  "dataset": "Default",
  "type": "search",
  "body": {
    "queries": {
      "stores": {
        "source": "Store",
        "output": {
          "elements": [
          "attributes": ["_key"],
          "limit": -1

Droonga Engine にリクエストを送信します:

$ droonga-request search-all-stores.json
Elapsed time: 0.008286785
    "inReplyTo": "1393562604.4970381",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "type": "search.result",
    "body": {
      "stores": {
        "count": 40,
        "records": [
            "15th & Third - New York NY  (W)"
            "41st and Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
            "84th & Third Ave - New York NY  (W)"
            "Macy's 35th Street Balcony - New York NY"
            "Second @ 81st - New York NY  (W)"
            "52nd & Seventh - New York NY  (W)"
            "1585 Broadway (47th) - New York NY  (W)"
            "54th & Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
            "60th & Broadway-II - New York NY  (W)"
            "63rd & Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
            "2 Columbus Ave. - New York NY  (W)"
            "NY Plaza - New York NY  (W)"
            "2138 Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
            "Broadway @ 81st - New York NY  (W)"
            "76th & Second - New York NY  (W)"
            "2nd Ave. & 9th Street - New York NY"
            "150 E. 42nd Street - New York NY  (W)"
            "Macy's 6th Floor - Herald Square - New York NY  (W)"
            "Herald Square- Macy's - New York NY"
            "Macy's 5th Floor - Herald Square - New York NY  (W)"
            "Marriott Marquis - Lobby - New York NY"
            "85th & First - New York NY  (W)"
            "1656 Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
            "Limited Brands-NYC - New York NY"
            "2 Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
            "36th and Madison - New York NY  (W)"
            "125th St. btwn Adam Clayton & FDB - New York NY"
            "118th & Frederick Douglas Blvd. - New York NY  (W)"
            "Fashion Inst of Technology - New York NY"
            "1st Avenue & 75th St. - New York NY  (W)"
            "West 43rd and Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
            "80th & York - New York NY  (W)"
            "Columbus @ 67th - New York NY  (W)"
            "45th & Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
            "92nd & 3rd - New York NY  (W)"
            "165 Broadway - 1 Liberty - New York NY  (W)"
            "19th & 8th - New York NY  (W)"
            "195 Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
            "70th & Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
            "42nd & Second - New York NY  (W)"

店舗の名前が取得できました。エンジンは正しく動作しているようです。引き続き Protocol Adapter を構築して、検索リクエストをHTTPで受け付けられるようにしましょう。

HTTP Protocol Adapter を用意する

HTTP Protocol Adapterとしてdroonga-http-serverを使用しましょう。



# curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/droonga/droonga-http-server/master/install.sh | \
Installing droonga-http-server from npmjs.org...
Preparing the user...
Setting up the configuration directory...
The droonga-engine service is detected on this node.
The droonga-http-server is configured to be connected
to this node (XXXXXXXX).
This node is configured with a hostname XXXXXXXX.

Registering droonga-http-server as a service...
Successfully installed droonga-http-server.



# systemctl start droonga-http-server


# systemctl stop droonga-http-server


# systemctl start droonga-engine


準備が整いました。 Protocol Adapter に向けて HTTP 経由でリクエストを発行し、データベースに問い合わせを行ってみましょう。まずは Shops テーブルの中身を取得してみます。以下のようなリクエストを用います。(attributes=_key を指定しているのは「検索結果に _key 値を含めて返してほしい」という意味です。これがないと、records に何も値がないレコードが返ってきてしまいます。attributes パラメータには , 区切りで複数の属性を指定することができます。attributes=_key,location と指定することで、緯度経度もレスポンスとして受け取ることができます)

$ curl ""
  "stores": {
    "count": 40,
    "records": [
        "15th & Third - New York NY  (W)"
        "41st and Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
        "84th & Third Ave - New York NY  (W)"
        "Macy's 35th Street Balcony - New York NY"
        "Second @ 81st - New York NY  (W)"
        "52nd & Seventh - New York NY  (W)"
        "1585 Broadway (47th) - New York NY  (W)"
        "54th & Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
        "60th & Broadway-II - New York NY  (W)"
        "63rd & Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
        "2 Columbus Ave. - New York NY  (W)"
        "NY Plaza - New York NY  (W)"
        "2138 Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
        "Broadway @ 81st - New York NY  (W)"
        "76th & Second - New York NY  (W)"
        "2nd Ave. & 9th Street - New York NY"
        "150 E. 42nd Street - New York NY  (W)"
        "Macy's 6th Floor - Herald Square - New York NY  (W)"
        "Herald Square- Macy's - New York NY"
        "Macy's 5th Floor - Herald Square - New York NY  (W)"
        "Marriott Marquis - Lobby - New York NY"
        "85th & First - New York NY  (W)"
        "1656 Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
        "Limited Brands-NYC - New York NY"
        "2 Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
        "36th and Madison - New York NY  (W)"
        "125th St. btwn Adam Clayton & FDB - New York NY"
        "118th & Frederick Douglas Blvd. - New York NY  (W)"
        "Fashion Inst of Technology - New York NY"
        "1st Avenue & 75th St. - New York NY  (W)"
        "West 43rd and Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
        "80th & York - New York NY  (W)"
        "Columbus @ 67th - New York NY  (W)"
        "45th & Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
        "92nd & 3rd - New York NY  (W)"
        "165 Broadway - 1 Liberty - New York NY  (W)"
        "19th & 8th - New York NY  (W)"
        "195 Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
        "70th & Broadway - New York NY  (W)"
        "42nd & Second - New York NY  (W)"

count の値からデータが全部で 36 件あることがわかります。records に配列として検索結果が入っています。

もう少し複雑なクエリを試してみましょう。例えば、店名に「Columbus」を含む店舗を検索します。query パラメータにクエリ Columbus を、match_to パラメータに検索対象として _key を指定し、以下のようなリクエストを発行します。

$ curl ""
  "stores": {
    "count": 2,
    "records": [
        "Columbus @ 67th - New York NY  (W)"
        "2 Columbus Ave. - New York NY  (W)"

以上 2 件が検索結果として該当することがわかりました。

Droonga HTTP Serverの詳細についてはリファレンスマニュアルを参照して下さい。


Ubuntu Linux または CentOS 上に Droonga を構成するパッケージである droonga-enginedroonga-http-server をセットアップしました。 これらのパッケージを利用することで、HTTP Protocol Adapter と Droonga Engine からなるシステムを構築し、実際に検索を行いました。