
This documentation describes how to translate the original documentations in English to other languages.


  1. Clone the repository with git clone
  2. cd to the repository and install required packages with bundle install.


Here is a work-flow to translate one documentation in English:

  1. Run rake.
  2. Translate _po/${YOUR_LOCALE}/${PATH_TO_TARGET_FILE}.edit.po.
  3. Run rake.
  4. Run jekyll server --watch.
  5. Confirm http://localhost:4000/${YOUR_LOCALE}/${PATH_TO_TARGET_FILE}.html.
  6. Commit _po/${YOUR_LOCALE}/${PATH_TO_TARGET_FILE}.po (not .edit.po) and ${YOUR_LOCALE}/${PATH_TO_TARGET_FILE}.md.


Here is an example to translate overview/ into Japanese.

Run rake:

% rake

Translate _po/ja/overview/index.edit.po:

% gedit _po/ja/overview/index.edit.po

Note: You can use PO editor instead of text editor. For example, Emacs’s po-mode, Vim, Gtranslator, Lokalize and so on.

Run rake:

% rake

Run jekyll server --watch:

% jekyll server --watch &

Confirm http://localhost:4000/ja/overview/index.html:

% firefox http://localhost:4000/ja/overview/index.html

Commit _po/ja/overview/index.po and ja/overview/

% git add _po/ja/overview/index.po
% git add ja/overview/
% git commit
% git push